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8 Characters We Want To See In A Suicide Squad Sequel

Before Suicide Squad arrived in cinemas, it seemed a certainty that the movie would spawn at least one sequel – and possibly several more, if rumours were to be believed. Now that critics and a sizeable chunk of the fans have savaged the film, however, it's not yet known whether a Suicide Squad 2 is still on the cards.

8) King Shark

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King Shark

Despite being a longtime member of the Suicide Squad in the comics, King Shark was nowhere to be seen in the movie – his role effectively replaced by team newcomer Killer Croc.

Shark’s removal from the line-up was due to director David Ayer’s preference for prosthetics over CGI, something that would have been impossible with such a huge, monstrous creature. Hopefully, Ayer – if he is indeed still at the helm – will relax his opinion on this for the sequel, as fans would love to see King Shark turn up.

Just look at the reaction when he appeared on The Flash’s second season. Such a crazy comic book character was a welcome and surprising addition to that show’s rogues gallery, just as he would be to the DC Extended Universe.