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8 Film Franchises That Really Need To Die

As a fan of film, there's nothing sadder than watching flailing franchises spew out uninspired efforts to keep the box-office numbers ticking over. When the property becomes an obligation rather than a privilege, this is where courageous conversations need to be had. You know, the "it's time to say goodbye because you suck" speech.


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Franchise entries: Underworld (2003), Underworld: Evolution (2006), Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009), Underworld: Awakening (2012), Underworld: Blood Wars (2017)

Much like the Terminator series, the first two Underworld films were pretty good – visually epic, if anything. But then it got messy from the third film onwards, and the quality degenerated into B-grade (or even C-grade) territory.

While the movies still look visually appealing, there’s a sense of “who cares?!” when they inevitably announce the next addition to the series. Well, the filmmakers seem to care. Despite Underworld: Blood Wars making less than $100 million, the plan is to release a sixth entry and TV series at some point.

Maybe it’s Twilight‘s fault that vampires and werewolves have become laughing stocks in recent years, but Underworld isn’t exactly making them look cool, either. This whole vampires-versus-werewolves trope feels tired and bored, so we’d rather leave it alone.

Likelihood of being cancelled: Unlikely. There’s a sixth film coming.