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8 Movie Remakes That Were Completely Unnecessary

We live in an age of the remake. That every film you've ever loved is going to be remade soon is just a fact of life now, and the studio heads pulling the strings couldn't care less how much you complain. That's because they know that, at the end of the day, there's a good chance you'll complain your way into watching the remake of that movie you adore - if only to see how bad it is - and further line their pockets regardless.

1) Clash Of The Titans

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clash of the titans

1981’s Clash of the Titans is a movie from another age. It was one of the last of its kind to utilize at the time outdated stop-motion effects (orchestrated by the great Ray Harryhausen, the master of the art) and stars a chiseled yet totally wooden actor in the lead. Somehow, Clash of the Titans works because of and not in spite of its more campy, ridiculous elements. This movie is a dedicated throwback, one that has a keen affection for old movies and for Greek mythology.

The remake from Louis Leterrier, however, doesn’t have any of that. Full of so much (generally awful) CGI that it could almost be classified as a cartoon rather than live-action, and so clearly absent of any knowledge about Greek myth, Clash of the Titans‘s sole gift to culture is the phrase “Release the Kraken!”

Even that’s too good for it: this is a film that clearly misses the point of the movie it’s seeking to emulate entirely.