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8 places in the MCU the Skrulls could have made their new home

Clearly, Carol Danvers and Nick Fury didn't look hard enough.

Secret Invasion
Screengrab via Disney Plus/Marvel Studios

It’s not easy being green. In the MCU, the Skrulls have had a particularly miserable few years. First, their homeworld of Skrullos was invaded by the Kree and destroyed, forcing the survivors to take refuge across the galaxy and try their best to fit in.

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But the beleaguered refugees saw some light on the horizon when Nick Fury and Carol Danvers vowed to find them a new place to permanently call home. But, as we saw in Secret Invasion, this proved trickier than they first assumed. As of this week’s series finale, the Skrulls are now being hunted down on Earth.

So, let’s play MCU real estate agent, take a look at some potential free spaces, and see if we can manage what Fury and Danvers couldn’t.


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First seen in Avengers: Infinity War, Titan was Thanos’ homeworld, though just as he predicted, overpopulation led to their society collapsing. As of Infinity War, it’s a desolate landscape littered with ruins, so let’s call it a fixer-upper.

On the plus side, it can clearly support life as the Earth inhabitants that journeyed there could breathe the atmosphere and the population problem has clearly been solved. Perhaps there’s a less depressing part of Titan that the Skrulls could set up home in?

It should probably also be noted that the reason for Titan’s collapse is that the planet’s natural resources were exhausted, so… uh, let’s put this in the “maybe” column.


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As revealed in Secret Invasion, Skrulls are fond of the cold, so why not just let them move onto the mostly uninhabited Greenland? We can get why the Skrulls might not want to set up shop on an ice field, though surely there’s some coastal region in the far northern regions that nobody else is using.

Greenland is an autonomous territory of Denmark, so the Skrulls would have to seek permission to move there from the Danish government, but we’re sure the hardy, cold-loving Skrulls could work something out. Plus, Norway appears to be benefiting from welcoming the Asgardians into their country, so there’s already a working example.

Problems may be that there’s not much to do up there and few natural resources, so the Skrulls may not be self-sufficient. But, hey, they could just learn to fish.


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Perhaps this is a little bit of an outside bet. Xandar, as first seen in Guardians of the Galaxy, isn’t going so well right now. Thanos killed half the planet’s population while retrieving the Power Stone, with the Nova Corps and Nova Empire left in ruins.

But with crisis comes opportunity! Crisitunity! A planet that’s just lost half its population probably has a lot of unused space (as per Earth during the Blip), and ambitious Skrulls could assist in any rebuilding effort. That said, as the planet was involved in a war with the Kree, the Skrulls may just not want to bother with it.

Tiamut’s petrified body

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Let’s think outside the box for a minute. In the aftermath of Eternals, the colossal body of Tiamut is sticking out of the Indian Ocean, turned into a marble-white stone substance by Sersi. This doesn’t look like the easiest place to live, but Guardians of the Galaxy‘s Knowhere proves that moving into a Celestial’s body isn’t unheard of and no nation seems to have claimed it.

That said, living on a giant corpse — even a stone one — is a bit morbid. Plus, there are no water or agriculture opportunities. Even so, no country seems to have claimed Tiamut’s body, so it’s an option!


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This is Gamora’s homeworld and, like Xandar, saw Thanos wipe out half its population. As per Thanos, this act turned Zen-Whoberi into a paradise, as the remaining population could live with increased resources and without conflict. The reality may have been somewhat different and it’s perhaps not best to take murderous space tyrants at their word.

Even so, years after Thanos’ arrival, we imagine Zen-Whoberi still has a lot of unused space. Plus, the Zen-Whoberis are already green, so at least they’ve got that in common with the Skrulls. Maybe the two people could make it work together?


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As seen in Thor: The Dark World, Vanaheim is a densely wooded planet home to disparate and relatively primitive Vanir tribes that live in small villages. Now, they may not be best pleased to see a million Skrulls show up with the intention of moving in, but perhaps an exchange of technology could make it mutually beneficial for both sides.

The people of Vanaheim have also already had to deal with an invasion from the Marauders and were only saved when the Asgardians intervened. Perhaps the Skrulls could live here on the basis that they protect Vanaheim from future harm?


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Well, it’s dry, dusty, and not particularly friendly, but beggars can’t be choosers. This desert planet was recently featured in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, where everybody’s favorite misfits were hired to protect some townspeople from a stampede of wild creatures out to destroy their homes.

There didn’t seem to be much else happening on Krylor, so we guess the Skrulls could live here and help out the locals. Then again, we know they like it cold, so maybe a desert isn’t the best place to found New New Skrullos.

Planet 0259-S

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Stop the presses, we may just have a winner. Planet 0259-S — aka the “Garden” — is the lush planet Thanos picked out for his retirement. In Endgame, we saw that it was beautiful and isolated, with Carol Danvers confirming that Thanos was alone on the planet.

With Thanos now decapitated, it’s got to be the number one candidate for the Skrulls: it’s uninhabited, brimming with resources, and looks beautiful.

Sadly, it seems Carol Danvers (and possibly Rhodey if he was a Skrull in Endgame) just plum forgot to mention to the Skrulls they’d found a perfect homeworld for them. Oh well, everyone makes a whoopsie now and then. But, presuming nobody else has gotten there first, the Skrulls could still escape the nightmare on Earth and head here.