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8 Planned Movie Sequels That Unfortunately Never Happened

A lot of sequels are unneeded, but some movies really deserved a follow-up but never got one. Here are 8 planned movie sequels we're sad never happened.

Gladiator 2, Sequels

5) Ghostbusters 3

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The first Ghostbusters is a veritable classic, so it’s surprising that it only spawned one sequel (until now). After the so-so Ghostbusters II, however, there were plans for a third film that would bring back the originals – well, except for Bill Murray.

It would have seen Ray, Egon and Winston training up a new generation of Ghostbusters, only to be transported to an alternative Hellish version of Manhattan where the gang would have met the Devil.

Ivan Reitman was set to direct and Ben Stiller was expected to be one of the new Ghostbusters. Eventually, though, these plans were scrapped and the project became the upcoming reboot instead.

Not to kick a horse when it’s down, but – regardless of how good the new one ends up being – we definitely would have preferred a movie with most of the old team back together. And I think that’s a sentiment that most people could agree with.