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8 Questions That Star Wars: The Force Awakens Needs To Answer

There are a number of burning fan questions that are clearly (read: hopefully) going to be answered in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We have questions of whether Rey and Kylo Ren are of Skywalker lineage, how the dregs of the Empire became the First Order, who the Knights of Ren are, where the hell the trailer-absent Luke Skywalker fits into this new trilogy - these are all things that The Force Awakens will simply have to clear up for the audience, simply in order for the film to progress and for viewers to catch up.

6) What Happened To Lando?

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lando calrissian

More important even than the fate of Wedge Antilles is that of smuggler-turned-entrepeneur Lando Calrissian, the former pirate friend to Han Solo who sold his companions out to the Empire before siding with the Rebels to bring it down once and for all. By Return of the Jedi, Lando was a major player in the Rebellion, even leading the charge on the second Death Star.

And yet…he’s apparently nowhere to be seen in The Force Awakens.

It’s not like producers are just hiding Billy Dee Williams in the cast list, keeping him as a cameo surprise. Force Awakens writer Lawrence Kasdan has definitively said that “there’s no Lando Calrissian in this movie.” It does seem odd though that Williams hasn’t been asked back yet – Lando is a fan favorite for being the first actor of color in the entire Star Wars series, and audiences deserve to know what happened.