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8 Questions That Star Wars: The Force Awakens Needs To Answer

There are a number of burning fan questions that are clearly (read: hopefully) going to be answered in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We have questions of whether Rey and Kylo Ren are of Skywalker lineage, how the dregs of the Empire became the First Order, who the Knights of Ren are, where the hell the trailer-absent Luke Skywalker fits into this new trilogy - these are all things that The Force Awakens will simply have to clear up for the audience, simply in order for the film to progress and for viewers to catch up.

5) How Did The Force Become Myth?

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Luke Skywalker

With Luke Skywalker and his ways of the light defeating the Sith order in Return of the Jedi, it seemed as though the Jedi and the force itself might be heading for a resurgence. But look at the trailers – Han Solo talking of the force and the Jedi as though it’s all just passed into legend in the space of a mere few decades.

Luke Skywalker must have become some kind of lauded figure after destroying the Empire in Jedi, so how could the ways of the force be simply lost in the ether? How has it become nothing more than a myth that’s passed on through the generations.

More importantly, why would the Rebel Alliance – now the Resistance – allow the force and Skywalker to become just a story? Why not use the force as a way of reinvigorating the all-powerful Jedi council? If Abrams is to answer this question, he’ll have to do it convincingly – having the force become myth seems odd when the Rebels could have instead used it to their advantage post-Jedi.