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9 Reasons Why Logan Is The Greatest X-Men Movie

Hugh Jackman's days of gelling his hair up into two wolf-ear points are over, as his final movie as Wolverine has now arrived. As it turns out, Logan is one heck of a way to go, receiving critical acclaim and smashing its way through the box office. Deservedly so, too, as it's arguably one of the finest superhero films of the decade.

9) A Touching Family Dynamic

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One of the biggest pitfalls of most X-Men movies is that they struggle to give each member of the ballooning cast a spot in the limelight. How many times has Halle Berry turned up as Storm to do practically nothing, for instance? In Logan, though, this problem is eradicated by the small, perfectly-formed cast. With just Logan, Charles and Laura at its core, the movie delivers a supremely touching family dynamic.

All the X-Men movies deal with a dysfunctional family dynamic to some degree. After all, the core idea of the franchise is a bunch of unrelated people brought together against the odds because of their inner similarities; their nature as mutants. In Logan, though, that theme’s a whole lot more pronounced. In each direction, the characters’ relationships are beautifully done – son and father, father and daughter, and even the lesser developed but still sweet grandfather and granddaughter.

Logan and Charles’ near-familial bond will mean the most to longtime fans of the franchise, but Hugh Jackman and Dafne Keen carve out a new, hugely touching connection between their characters as well. Each of the relationships far exceeds nearly every other character dynamic of the franchise – except maybe Professor X and Magneto.