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8 Minor Characters From Star Wars: The Force Awakens With Insane Origin Stories

When watching a Star Wars film, we get the sense that every seemingly insignificant cantina patron or X-Wing pilot is carrying with them untold stories, and that’s exactly what makes the franchise’s universe so rich. It’s also why the Expanded Universe is appealing to passionate fans; we get to learn more about ridiculously minor elements of the movies that are only tangentially connected to the main characters. For example, a random dude running by during the Cloud City escape in The Empire Strikes Back receives a full name (Willrow Hood), an elaborate personal history and plenty of devotees at every convention.

5) Sidon Ithano

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When Finn briefly considers leaving Rey and Han Solo in Maz’s Castle, he sits down at a table with Sidon Ithano, trying to work out a deal to be taken to the Outer Rim. If only Finn had any idea who he was speaking to….

Ithano is known as one of the best pirates in the region; he leads a crew of his own and gained the nickname “Crimson Corsair” for his unique clothing. He’s a male Delphidian but wears a red Kaleesh mask, and if that species sounds familiar, it’s because it’s the same species of which General Grievous is a member. Sidon worked alongside a pirate named Scorza on their ship, the New Gilliland, before Scorza betrayed Sidon and made a deal with the Hutts.

While captain, Sidon apparently rarely spoke to his crew, mostly relying on hand gestures, although he does speak in The Force Awakens. In the short story “The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku,” Ithano and his crew pick up on a transmission that dates back to the Clone Wars, and they discover a ship apparently containing Jedi lightsaber kyber crystals. However, once inside they instead find a Galactic Republic clone trooper who had been frozen in suspended animation for five decades after discovering the Sith’s plot to overthrow the Jedi. It’s a cool little mashup of the new trilogy and the prequel trilogy.

In the end, Sidon is willing to sacrifice himself to save his crew, but he winds up escaping anyway even in the midst of a deadly storm. He also recovers a memory core containing the locations of all of the abandoned Separatist droid factories, which he and his crew hope to plunder. Sometime later, Sidon is hanging out in Maz’s Castle offering to transport patrons off world, but the dots between those two events have not yet been connected.

Sidon Ithano: A Star Wars Story anyone? Make it happen, Disney.