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8 Minor Characters From Star Wars: The Force Awakens With Insane Origin Stories

When watching a Star Wars film, we get the sense that every seemingly insignificant cantina patron or X-Wing pilot is carrying with them untold stories, and that’s exactly what makes the franchise’s universe so rich. It’s also why the Expanded Universe is appealing to passionate fans; we get to learn more about ridiculously minor elements of the movies that are only tangentially connected to the main characters. For example, a random dude running by during the Cloud City escape in The Empire Strikes Back receives a full name (Willrow Hood), an elaborate personal history and plenty of devotees at every convention.

3) Jessika Pava

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Believe it or not, Jessika Pava is the first female X-Wing pilot we see in the entire Star Wars saga. Yeah, it only took seven damn movies for that to happen, but better late than never, right? Pava’s backstory is still incomplete, but Expanded Universe material has given fans a bit to work with.

As explained in “The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Story,” Pava joined up with the Resistance not long before the events of The Force Awakens, flying in Blue Squadron under the name Blue Three. She joined in part because she was an admirer of Luke Skywalker, inspired by tales of his adventures in the Galactic Civil War.

At one point, Pava meet C3PO while on a maintenance assignment, and she can’t help herself from asking him question after question about Skywalker. Threepio actually relays the story of Skywalker’s time at the Jedi Temple of Eedit, where Luke had the previously discussed encounter with Sarco Plank.

That’s about all we know about Pava so far, but the fan-fiction community has gone crazy with the character, often portraying her as a friend of Poe Dameron or as a love interest of Rey. That latter ship is known as Bluerey, a clever mashup of Blue Three and Rey. Yes, there is a ship for every possible combination of protagonists. The two never do meet in The Force Awakens, but hey, there’s plenty of movies left to go.