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8 Superhero Teams We Still Need To See On The Big Screen

2016 is surely a golden year for superhero team movies, with the likes of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War and X-Men: Apocalypse bringing three of the biggest comic book groups to the big screen. Sure, two of those see the heroes fighting each other rather than teaming up against the bad guys, but we’ve still never had it so good before.

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7) Excalibur

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Thanks to Deadpool’s massive success, Fox are pressing ahead with other X-Men spinoff movies like X-Force and New Mutants. One that we hope they will add to their upcoming slate of films is Excalibur, featuring the British-based team of mutants.

Seeing as the X-Men films take place in a parallel world where mutants exist, it would be nice to actually have a group of characters based somewhere else in this world other than the US. Excalibur neatly fits into the existing team, as well, as the comics’ version has featured many X-Men members over the years, such as Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler and Psylocke.

The rights for the team’s leader, Captain Britain, rest with Marvel, however. Still, in the light of the Marvel/Sony Spider-Man pact and the fact that the studio don’t seem to be doing anything with him, Fox can surely get a deal going.