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8 Superhero Teams We Still Need To See On The Big Screen

2016 is surely a golden year for superhero team movies, with the likes of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War and X-Men: Apocalypse bringing three of the biggest comic book groups to the big screen. Sure, two of those see the heroes fighting each other rather than teaming up against the bad guys, but we’ve still never had it so good before.

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6) The Boys

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Not all comic book team-up movies have to feature spandex-clad superheroes. For those feeling a little superhero fatigue, a film based on The Boys would be the perfect antidote.

A comic series originally published by DC imprint Wildstorm (before hopping over to Dynamite) and written by Preacher’s Garth Ennis, The Boys follows a group of highly-trained CIA agents as they take down rogue superheroes.

Unlike the ones we usually see, the super-humans in The Boys are reckless glory hounds; ticking time bombs waiting to go off. The team consists of such no-nonsense characters as cockney Billy Butcher, an ex-Mafia assassin known as The Female (of the Species) and Mother’s Milk, a huge, intimidating fella who is apparently the nicest of the bunch.

While there have been rumblings about the property being adapted for television, we think it’d be a better fit for the big screen. After all, movie studios looking for another ultra-violent, R-rated comic book film after Deadpool could do a lot worse than The Boys.