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8 Superhero Teams We Still Need To See On The Big Screen

2016 is surely a golden year for superhero team movies, with the likes of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War and X-Men: Apocalypse bringing three of the biggest comic book groups to the big screen. Sure, two of those see the heroes fighting each other rather than teaming up against the bad guys, but we’ve still never had it so good before.

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4) Stormwatch

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Recent comic book movies have become quite obsessed with the public image of superheroes, as Batman V Superman had Superman’s existence being discussed at length by the senate and Civil War will see the Avengers put under surveillance by the government. It would be refreshing, then, to have a superhero film about a team of powered people who manage to keep to the shadows.

Created by Jim Lee for Wildstorm, Stormwatch followed a unit of covert superheroes who are more like secret agents than conventional caped crusaders, as they save the world without humanity ever knowing they exist. When Warren Ellis took over, he introduced Apollo and Midnighter, a Superman/Batman-like pair who eventually got married.

If the series ever gets adapted, hopefully the duo would make it in, as a superhero partnership who also happened to be a gay couple would make for a fresh and interesting dynamic.