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8 Superheroes Who Failed In The Movies But Soared On TV

Despite the success of a great many superheroes on the big screen, some are not so lucky. For whatever reason – be it problems with the casting, the script or the directing – certain comic book characters did not make their way to the silver screen intact.

Daredevil, superheroes,

1) Daredevil

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The most extreme example of a hero failing on film but succeeding in a series has got to be Daredevil. As previously mentioned, the 2003 movie is derided by fans as a terrible adaptation of the hornheaded hero. On the other hand, the Daredevil TV show is arguably the most critically acclaimed superhero series around at the moment.

The gulf in success between the two is probably to do with their inspirations. As the Daredevil movie tried to ape the popularity of Sam Raimi’s recent Spider-Man film, it forced a tone and style onto the movie that didn’t fit with the character. The show, on the other hand, comes in the wake of the Dark Knight films and can give Daredevil the grittiness he deserves. Though we would love to see Charlie Cox turn up in a Marvel movie at some point, for now the hero is definitely in a good home on Netflix.