4) Latveria Easter Egg
In a blink-or-you’ll-miss-it Easter Egg, there’s a red dot inside of Eastern Europe on one of the maps that Sue Storm is looking at. That red dot is Latveria, the isolated country sandwiched between Romania, Serbia, Hungary and Croatia that Doctor Doom rules.
The Easter Egg hunt doesn’t stop there, either. In what amounts to even further proof that that’s Latveria, the red text in the image reads “” When you type those numbers into your internet browser, it brings up the Marvel Wikia page on Latveria.
What this means for the film is up for grabs. This could just be a fun Easter Egg for anyone familiar with the importance of Latveria, or it could very well be a hint that we’ll see the fictional nation in the film. We know that Dr. Doom (or Victor Domashev, as he’s been renamed) is an anti-social blogger going by the name “Doom,” so could he be residing in Latveria, with Sue tracking him there?