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8 Things We Learnt From The Justice League Trailer

After Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice turned out to be far from the critical darling that they were hoping for, Warner Bros. and DC had their work cut out for them with the need to win people over again in time for next year’s Justice League movie. However, with the trailer that was released this weekend at San Diego Comic-Con, they might just have managed to do so.

3) The Flash Is An Awkward Loner

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One of the most exciting things about the trailer is that it gives us our first proper look at Ezra Miller as the Flash. With Grant Gustin already playing the Scarlet Speedster to massive acclaim on TV, Miller arguably has the biggest task of all the JL cast as he has to compete with another currently running incarnation.

The DCEU’s take on the character is not so much The CW’s charming leading man and more a socially-awkward yet brilliant loner. A highlight is when he jumps at Batman’s offer to join a metahuman alliance (they need a catchier name). Why? Because he needs some friends.

Many have noted how the scene closely resembles Spider-Man’s introduction in Captain America: Civil War – right down to a superhero billionaire already knowing his secret. This is presumably a coincidence but, even if it isn’t, Spidey’s triumphant debut in the MCU is not a bad point of inspiration.