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8 Things We Learned From Justice League

After decades of waiting, we've finally received Justice League. It's a cinematic experience that comic book fans have been asking for and the (New) Gods finally granted our hearts' desire.

The Injustice League Is Coming

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One of the best parts about Justice League is the post-credits scene that shows Lex Luthor and Deathstroke. Part of their interaction includes Lex telling Slade about the need to create a League of their own to battle the heroes. Naturally, we all got excited by this Injustice League reference and what it could mean for the franchise.

While it’s possible it could just be a cool little nod to the villainous group, there’s also a good chance that they might be the main antagonists for the Justice League sequel. If you look at the CGI backlash, it doesn’t seem likely that Darkseid will be the next bad guy and the producers might take a more grounded approach with real-life actors and smaller stakes.

At the same time, it could be really nothing and maybe just a setup for the Deathstroke solo movie. We don’t know about you, but we wouldn’t mind seeing the League take on some of their greatest villains in their next cinematic outing.

Batfleck’s Time Is Nearly Up

It’s time to accept the inevitable: Ben Affleck’s time as the Caped Crusader is coming to an end. It’s been a whirlwind year of speculation where we’ve suffered a rollercoaster of emotions as Affleck refuses to commit to the immediate future of the franchise.

Judging by a conversation that he had with Wonder Woman in Justice League, where he admitted that he can’t do the crime-fighting thing forever, it’s the first sure sign that his time is limited – whether it be by passing the mantle onto someone else or dying in battle. Heck, maybe it’ll just be straight recast as the latest rumor suggests.

It’s sad to think of it, because he’s portrayed a good Batman so far, but his heart doesn’t appear to be in it any longer. Just look at his recent interviews and it’s obvious that he’s going through the motions and purely fulfilling contractual obligations. Maybe all he needs is a long break from the franchise to rediscover his love of the character again? Whatever it is, the signs aren’t good.