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8 Things We Learned From Justice League

After decades of waiting, we've finally received Justice League. It's a cinematic experience that comic book fans have been asking for and the (New) Gods finally granted our hearts' desire.

More Justice League Members Are Coming

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Initially, everyone thought there would be seven members in Justice League, with many predicting Hal Jordan/Green Lantern to be the seventh and final one. As we discovered, that didn’t end up being the case and more than a few people were disappointed by it. (Although, we did get a nice Green Lanterns cameo in a flashback sequence, so it wasn’t all bad.)

However, there’s an interesting moment at the end of the film that touches upon the topic of expanding the League. When Bruce Wayne shows Diana Prince his idea for where a table can go for the six of them, she adds, “And for more.” It’s not hard to see what she’s implying there, and we wouldn’t be surprised if the League expands by several more members.

Whether we’ll get a Justice League sequel, though, is a whole different story. Something tells us that the fallout from this movie will have heads rolling around the Warner Bros. parking lot – especially if the film flops at the box office.