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8 Things We Learned From Justice League

After decades of waiting, we've finally received Justice League. It's a cinematic experience that comic book fans have been asking for and the (New) Gods finally granted our hearts' desire.

The New GodsĀ Are A Step Too Far Right Now

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When the news broke that Steppenwolf would be the main villain in Justice League, a lot of fans were excited because the New Gods were set to be a part of the DC cinematic universe. Unfortunately, it proved to be a step too far here, as it became one of the major bugbears of those who’ve seen it due to the extensive use of CGI.

With the League being in its infancy, it would make sense to bring them together to battle a smaller-scale threat before introducing the whole New Gods mythos into the mix. It’s not because we don’t want to see it, but mostly because the comic book movie audience is experiencing CGI fatigue at the moment and craves something fresh.

Not every villain needs to be a huge alien monster that wants to take over the world. There are numerous other possibilities available, which could also end up being much cheaper and practical for productions.

Tell us, what did you think of Justice League? Let us know in the comments section below.