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8 Ways To Fix The X-Men Franchise After Apocalypse

If you in any way side with the critics, you're probably feeling a bit let down by the latest X-Men movie. X-Men: Apocalypse isn't Fantastic 4 nor Green Lantern bad, but when a superhero franchise has reliably been the strongest one out there (sorry Marvel, X-Men is just that bit deeper and more off-the-wall than you), it's disappointing to see it take such a step backwards.

6) Trim The Cast

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Days of Future Past, so full of figures old and new, almost buckled under the weight of its many characters – but it just about worked. Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg, not shying away from a challenge, take things even further with Apocalypse, by adding yet more characters and having almost all the old ones return. This time, the gamble hasn’t paid off: Apocalypse is just too packed, with the many, many individual actors struggling to make any kind of impact.

For the next X-movie, there needs to be some streamlining, or people risk getting lost in the maelstrom once again. There are characters in Apocalypse that don’t even need to be there, taking up room that could have been used to develop more crucial players. Fox could do worse than trim the cast down and keep the next movie focused on just a core group of performers, just like X-Men and First Class.