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8 Ways To Fix The X-Men Franchise After Apocalypse

If you in any way side with the critics, you're probably feeling a bit let down by the latest X-Men movie. X-Men: Apocalypse isn't Fantastic 4 nor Green Lantern bad, but when a superhero franchise has reliably been the strongest one out there (sorry Marvel, X-Men is just that bit deeper and more off-the-wall than you), it's disappointing to see it take such a step backwards.

5) Dial It Back Generally

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Since First Class, the X-Men movies have been getting bigger, and not just in terms of the ballooning cast list. It seems 20th Century Fox’s plan has been to make every new film more epic than what’s gone before. But where exactly can the X-Men series go from here, after Apocalypse? How do you make a movie bigger than the greatest X-Men villain of all and the threat of the entire world being destroyed? Well, one answer is: you don’t.


One thing the James Bond franchise has always done well is scaling back when things have started to get out of control. After the bloated Moonraker came the more intimate and gritty For Your Eyes Only; after Die Another Day came Casino Royale. Fox must learn that unlimited growth is impossible, that bigger isn’t always better. A smaller-scale X-Men movie could make a nice palate cleanser after the grand mayhem of Days and Apocalypse.