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8 Ways To Fix The X-Men Franchise After Apocalypse

If you in any way side with the critics, you're probably feeling a bit let down by the latest X-Men movie. X-Men: Apocalypse isn't Fantastic 4 nor Green Lantern bad, but when a superhero franchise has reliably been the strongest one out there (sorry Marvel, X-Men is just that bit deeper and more off-the-wall than you), it's disappointing to see it take such a step backwards.

2) Move On From Bryan Singer

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One director can only have so many original ideas regarding one cinematic concept. Joss Whedon left Marvel after two movies, while Christopher Nolan did three for DC/Warner Bros. before moving on. Bryan Singer has now directed four X-Men movies, and though he has been massively influential on the franchise and superhero cinema in general, the shine has definitely started to come off. X-Men: Apocalypse is proof of that.

Apocalypse is the first X-Men movie of Singer’s that feels stale. It’s evident that the imagination is, understandably, beginning to run dry. They ousted George Lucas from Star Wars when it became clear he’d lost whatever magic he once possessed when making the original trilogy – perhaps it’s also time Fox part ways with Singer, and instead hire some new directors with hunger and a desire to bring fresh ideas to the X-Men.