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9 Incredible Book-To-Film Adaptations From The Past Decade

When Hollywood isn't milking the superhero franchises or making The Hangover Part 67, it occasionally dips its feet into the literary world and picks out a story to adapt from there. Sure, many writers will tell you how their books have been optioned for movies for decades (without any progress being made), but sometimes the studios do get it right and select an outstanding project to bring to life.

Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

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It’s incredible to think that David O. Russell’s adaptation of Matthew Quick’s debut novel, The Silver Linings Playbook, achieved as much critical and commercial success that it did. Considering it’s about a sensitive subject like bipolar disorder, it’s an even more remarkable feat. It’s not often that you find a film that’s capable of being funny, sad and provoking all at the same time.

Russell is renowned for being a hard-ass on set, but he certainly managed to get the best out of his leads, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence, as they pulled together to create an Oscar-winning film. Even after multiple watches, this is one movie that doesn’t get old or tedious.

The success of the film was also good for Quick’s pocket, as it reignited the interest in his novel and soared up the charts to become a New York Times best-selling book. Not bad for a first time novelist.