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9 Incredibly Divisive Superhero Films

Avengers: Age Of Ultron

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After the runaway success of The Avengers, anticipation was at an all-time high for the follow-up, Avengers: Age of Ultron. Sadly, where the former succeeded in blending multiple narratives into a seamless spectacle, the successor was marred by awful editing and too many Whedon-isms that made us face-palm.

But once again, it cleared over a billion dollars at the worldwide box office and the critics had massive boners for it. In this scenario, it’s safe to say that the fan response was lukewarm to okay, while the critical reception hyped it up more than it probably should have. On a side note, do you see a lesson here by any chance?

Look, this is what the MCU has in its favor. The goodwill for the franchise is so high that even the most mediocre of movies will be given a pass here and there, because gee, gosh, they’re so much fun and families just love the Mouse’s house.