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9 Incredibly Divisive Superhero Films


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Hi, Mr. Snyder! We told you that you’d see his name here again. That said, the divisiveness of his Watchmen adaptation wasn’t because it was bad or lacked merit, but due to the nature of the source material. Much like most of Alan Moore’s stories, it’s almost inadaptable.

Yet, Snyder did what he does best and brought the comic panels to life on the big screen. Many might argue that he missed the fundamental message of the graphic novel and went for style over substance, but he did everything else right – especially in the longer director’s cut which is becoming a common thing for him in his career.

Looking back now, it’s possible that Watchmen was too far ahead of its time when it was released in 2009. The tone and style were different to everything that we’d seen before it, so we have to ask the question: was the world prepared for such a story?