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9 Reasons Why The Star Wars Prequels Aren’t As Bad As You Remember

7) The Detail In The Worlds

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You can probably put this one down to the extra amount of money Lucas had on the prequels compared to what he had on the original trilogy. What’s happening in the foreground may not always be compelling, but the detail in the background in Episodes IIII is on another level.

Take a world like Coruscant, unseen until the prequels (a brief cameo in Return of the Jedi aside), and fully developed on first sight in The Phantom Menace, a metropolis buzzing with life from high up in the clouds down to street level.

Is it the world building that Lucas focused his efforts on, when he should have been paying more attention to his scripts? If so, he at least breathed enormous life into his prequel universe, making it into a place that feels like it could be explored down at a minute level.