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9 Ways That Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns Influenced Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Director Zack Snyder has outright stated that Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is heavily influenced by what Frank Miller did with his three graphic novel series, especially The Dark Knight Returns, where an older, more grizzled versions of Superman and Batman fight each other.

8) Batman Is A Dark Knight In Batman V Superman

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Frank Miller’s Batman was a lot more violent and obsessive. The world around him was darker and grimmer and required more extreme methods of dealing enemies.

We can see in the Comic-Con trailer that Batman is already employing some questionable methods in dealing with underworld scum. We see him using machine guns on the Batmobile, swooping in guns blazing with the Batwing blowing up vehicles and in one particularly disturbing scene, we see somebody shackled to a wall with a nasty looking Batman logo branded into his shoulder.

The Caped Crusader of late has been a bit more watered down, running with a “no kill” philosophy. It looks like Snyder will be changing that though by returning to the darker, more violent ways of Miller’s Dark Knight, which will certainly make for an interesting contrast to the blue boy scout attitude of Superman.