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9 Superhero Movies From The 1990s That You Should Revisit

We're enjoying such a glut of superhero films right now - with everything from cinematic mainstays like Batman and Spider-Man to lesser-known properties like Suicide Squad and Doctor Strange. As such, it's hard to remember the less-populated years of the 1990s, where putting a costumed crusader in your movie wasn’t a surefire success.

2) Blade (1998)

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Before X-Men and Spider-Man made superhero movies cool again in the early 21st century, there was Blade – which restored some much needed credibility to the genre after 1997’s Batman & Robin tried its best to sink it forever.

Wesley Snipes plays the titular hero, Marvel’s very own vampire hunter in a movie that became the company’s first ever cinematic smash. Conversely, it sports a tone that we now associate more with DC movies.

Blade is a wholly grim and gritty film, which wears its comic book status proudly on its sleeve but makes no concessions for goofy, knowing humour. Looking back, it was a landmark film in the genre, which means it deserves to be revisited today.

There’s also Blade II, which is a must for fans of Guillermo Del Toro, and Blade Trinity, which you should avoid at all costs.