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A dystopian action classic that gets more prescient by the day but still can’t defrost its own sequel gets caught in a streaming crossfire

Who knows what they'll cook up if the announced sequel ever happens.

Image via Warner Bros.

Despite being locked in an ongoing battle with Vin Diesel to see who can possibly star in the most sequels throughout their careers, Sylvester Stallone’s follow-up to Demolition Man hasn’t taken so much as a single step forward since the actor and filmmaker first confirmed its existence over three years ago.

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Since then, the veteran action icon hasn’t slowed down in the slightest as he continues racking up credit after credit, but his long-awaited return as John Spartan hasn’t gotten past the stage of Sly finally telling the world what it wanted to hear and announcing it was in the early stages of development.

demolition man
via Warner Bros.

It remains entirely up for debate if Demolition Man 2 is something the world really needs, but based on the 1993 original’s status as a certifiable great of the decade’s high-octane offerings, it certainly wouldn’t go amiss. If anything, it’s only gotten more prescient and timely by the year as its far-flung dystopian stylings seep more and more into the modern world, even if we’re not quite at the stage of Taco Bell establishing dominance of the country’s food supply. Yet.

Outside of its predictive powers, though, Demolition Man still holds up as an unabashed exercise in propulsive crowd-pleasing entertainment that’s as fun to revisit today as it’s ever been. To that end, Prime Video subscribers have been trying to figure out how the three seashells work for the hundredth time, after FlixPatrol named the decades in the making face off between Stallone’s Spartan and Wesley Snipe’s arch-nemesis Simon Phoenix as one of the biggest hits on the platform this week.