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10 Actors Who Could Play Incredible Versions Of The Joker

The Joker might just be the best villain in all of fiction. I know that is a stretch, and some people may have some issues with that statement, but think about it. From his first appearance in the comics, to his debut on the campy show, to his most recent representation by the late Heath Ledger, he is a wildly varying villain.

In honor of the character’s 75th anniversary, director David Ayer Tweeted out the very first official image of Jared Leto as the Joker in Suicide Squad last night. As expected, it’s drastically different than anything we’ve seen in the past and a huge departure from both Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger’s version of the character. That being said, it’s pretty damn awesome and Leto has once again proven himself as an actor who’s capable of a tremendous physical transformation. Now that we've had some time to take in the character's new look and get acquainted with it, it's time to analyze it a bit further and see if there's any clues as to what Ayer has in store for us once his film hits theatres. Join us as we look at 5 key takeaways from this first official look at Jared Leto's Joker.

Matthew McConaughey

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matthew mcconaughey

If McConaughey were to take on the role, it is of the utmost important that we get True Detective and Dallas Buyers Club McConaughey. It seems that in the last few years, Matty has gone from cheesy romcom guy to seriously amazing actor without so much as blinking an eye. Though we’ve had several hints of his greatness early on in his career, he really seems to shine in the darker and more complex roles that he is given.

So, stop for a moment in time with me and imagine McConaughey delivering one of his killer monologues in white face paint with a perma-grin stretched across his face? Don’t even act like it wouldn’t be awesome, because we all know it would be. The dude would barely even have to change his voice. He would just have to take some of the southern twang out of it.

For anyone who is reading this and shaking their heads, go watch Killer Joe right fucking now (or check out the clip below). It will prove my point to you, without question. Also, to those who want to factor in age and say maybe he is too old, remember that Ben Affleck is 42, so we have NO idea if they will cast the Joker old or young.