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10 Actors Who Could Play Incredible Versions Of The Joker

The Joker might just be the best villain in all of fiction. I know that is a stretch, and some people may have some issues with that statement, but think about it. From his first appearance in the comics, to his debut on the campy show, to his most recent representation by the late Heath Ledger, he is a wildly varying villain.

In honor of the character’s 75th anniversary, director David Ayer Tweeted out the very first official image of Jared Leto as the Joker in Suicide Squad last night. As expected, it’s drastically different than anything we’ve seen in the past and a huge departure from both Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger’s version of the character. That being said, it’s pretty damn awesome and Leto has once again proven himself as an actor who’s capable of a tremendous physical transformation. Now that we've had some time to take in the character's new look and get acquainted with it, it's time to analyze it a bit further and see if there's any clues as to what Ayer has in store for us once his film hits theatres. Join us as we look at 5 key takeaways from this first official look at Jared Leto's Joker.

Sam Rockwell

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Sam Rockwell never turns in a bad performance, and even when he is an uneven film, his presence makes it wholly watchable. From what I have heard of the casting so far, this next Batman movie is going to need an actor like that to offset the Affleck-Eisenberg douche factor. Sam Rockwell would be perfect. An ounce of credibility in an otherwise incredulous world.

The other thing that is amazing about Rockwell is, you can’t quite be sure what direction he would go with his Joker. Would it be more Heath, or more Jack? Would it be more “early prince of crime” Joker, where he is kinda funny and erratic? Or would it be later versions of the Joker from the comics, where he gets his skin ripped off and is just an insane motherfucker? Either way, if Rockwell was playing it, it would work. I guarantee it.