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Alan Tudyk Back For Frozen 2 And Wreck-It Ralph 2, Eyes Role In Guardian Of The Galaxy

Alan Tudyk will indeed return for Frozen 2 and Wreck-It Ralph 2, while there's even mention that the actor could appear in Guardians of the Galaxy.


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Confirming a raft of sequel-related rumors in one fell swoop, Alan Tudyk has told Fandango that he will indeed return for both Frozen 2 and Wreck-It Ralph 2, extending his fruitful working relationship with Disney long into 2019.

Tudyk voiced the part of King Candy in the original Wreck-It Ralph, and has remained a fixture of Disney’s lineup ever since, appearing in all of the studio’s animated features up to and including this year’s rather brilliant Moana. It makes for quite the successful streak, and both Tudyk and Mouse House appear keen to uphold tradition in the years to come. Could that spell a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? It’s a topic that reared its head in conversation but first, Alan Tudyk revealed that he’ll be back, back, back for those two animated sequels, even if he’s unsure which characters he’ll be playing.

I will [return]. I don’t know in what character form, though. I say that confidently just because I’ve been in the ones before and they are committed to continuing that tradition, which considering how many movies they put out… I’m gonna run out of voices at some point! But I haven’t run out yet, so let’s do it.

In the Frozen universe, Tudyk portrayed the Duke of Weselton. By the time the credits rolled on that one, though, Elsa had severed ties between both kingdoms, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the actor will voice a new character altogether. Ditto for Wreck-It Ralph 2, as Tudyk’s King Candy was effectively destroyed once Ralph’s journey had reached its conclusion.

Circling back to the Marvel realm, though, during Fandango’s interview Alan Tudyk lobbied for a part in Guardians of the Galaxy, prompting director James Gunn – who worked with the actor across PG Porn and Con Man – to post the following Tweet:

Next up for Alan Tudyk is the imminent Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, while Wreck-It Ralph 2 is currently slated for March 9, 2018. No word yet on a release window for Frozen 2, but stay tuned for more.