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An awful horror remake torn to shreds by critics and crowds finds an unlikely level of support

Panned by critics and shunned by crowds, so why do people love it so much?

thirteen ghosts
via Warner Bros.

Pretty much every notable horror movie from the last half a century has been remade, rebooted, or reinvented at least once by now, and the majority of them have failed to recapture the blood-splattered magic of their predecessors. That includes 2001’s Thirteen Ghosts, which went down in a blaze of infamy with both critics and crowds.

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Because it was released in the early days of the new millennium and everything was obligated to be edgy, the do-over of William Castle’s classic and gimmick-laden 1960 original was also known as THIR13EN Ghosts for those who preferred their nomenclature to be a little more nu-metal.

While some of the practical effects and production design was worthy of praise, it would be fair to say that a 17 percent Rotten Tomatoes score and 49 percent user rating does not paint the picture of a superior retread. And yet, the horror-loving masses of Reddit have been stating the case for Thirteen Ghosts to be held in much higher esteem than it currently is.

thirteen ghosts
via Warner Bros.

It wasn’t a particularly big hit at the box office, either, earning under $70 million globally on production costs of $42 million. In Thirteen Ghosts‘ defense, though, every penny of that budget is right up there on the screen – with the team behind the various specters, ghouls, and things that go bump in the night doing a fabulous job.

Opinion remains split more than 20 years on, but with spooky season in full swing, maybe it’s time to give the savaged supernatural chiller another look.