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An Oscar-winning sci-fi blockbuster without an action scene in sight didn’t need them to become a cosmic classic

Not every big budget sci-fi needs explosions and alien invasions to succeed.

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It’s not so much an obligation as a general rule of thumb, but any big budget sci-fi movie backed by a major studio featuring a cast of recognizable stars seems destined to feature at least one action sequences, presumably for the purpose of making exciting trailers as opposed to relying on existentialism. Thankfully, Arrival didn’t get the memo.

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Denis Villenueve has become one of the industry’s foremost purveyors of atmospherically acclaimed cosmic capers over the years, a trend that’s no doubt going to be carried on when the second chapter of Dune releases later this year. Arrival was his first proper stab at making intimate intergalactic dramas on a blockbuster budget, though, and it went phenomenally well.

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Widely acclaimed by critics and a certifiable box office smash hit after hauling in $203 million from theaters, the thought-provoking rumination on how humanity would deal with sentient life from beyond the stars also went on to become an awards season favorite, winning an Academy Award for Best Sound Editing in amongst eight nominations in total, including Best Picture and Best Director.

Auteur-driven sci-fi has become more prevalent than ever in an age where films like Interstellar, Gravity, and The Martian exist, but unlike those three, Arrival doesn’t have a signature splashy set piece to speak of. Not that it matters, when a Reddit thread ringing with endorsement has proven yet again that it comfortably deserves to be dubbed as a modern great of the genre.

There are bigger – and arguably superior – spiritual bedfellows to choose from, but Arrival has them beat when it comes to sheer chin-stroking beauty.