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A Guide To The Paranormal Activity Demon

Part of the mystique of the found-footage genre is not all information can be revealed. The audience is privy to only the information which happened to be captured on someone's home video. The problem with that method is it leaves a lot of questions unanswered. It isn't an all-knowing audience experience as some horror films are. Instead the audience is only exposed to what the characters are exposed to. This can lead to a ton of uncertainties that need to be sorted out, and the Paranormal Activity films are no exception.

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What We Still Don’t Know

Why are there so many different forms of the demon?

In the first movie, we see that the demon has a birdlike form, leaving tracks that almost look like the kind a giant chicken would leave. In the third film, we see a shadowy female figure through Lois’ window, yet also learn that the demon is male, tall and is “old like grandma.” Yet, when the sheet stands behind the babysitter, it’s no more than 4 feet tall. In the fourth film, we see a figure that looks like a little boy following Wyatt in the night. Yet when Wyatt speaks to Toby he is clearly looking up at someone at least twice his height.

So is this one demon or is it multiple demon? If it’s one, why does it change forms so frequently? If it’s many, then why are there multiple demons when the deal was only made with one? And what controls when which demon appears? And why have we not seen them together? That’s a glaring issue that the films have yet to address.

Why did the demon wait until Hunter was 6?

We never find out what was gained by waiting for Hunter to reach the age he is in PA4. We hear many times in the movie that he’s almost ready, and Ben’s demonology research confirms that the boy has to reach a certain age, but we still don’t know why it was at this time.

Hunter does begin to communicate with the demon at this age, so that could be why they waited, but we also see him acknowledge the demon as a baby, so he obviously isn’t just becoming aware of this demon in 2011. There must be some reason that it waited until this time, and it should be deeper than the fact that 6 is the devil’s number.

Why did Katie give up Hunter, just to have to get him back later on?

Was this simply put in the movie for the twist of Wyatt, not Robbie, being Hunter? Or was it actually necessary for Wyatt and the virgin (his sister Alex) to become close before the ritual could be completed?

The lack of explanation for how Wyatt ended up being adopted by the family is acceptable, but the why behind the adoption is a crucial piece of the puzzle that’s missing. It would have made much more sense for Katie to keep Hunter and raise him as her own, as opposed to bringing Robbie into the picture.

Why does the demon require the first born male?

It’s commonly accepted in demonic films that the first born male is a suitable sacrifice to demons, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be explained why. What does Toby get out of this first born male that he was willing to give away wealth and power? And why does he desire this male so much that he haunts generations of women until he gets it?

Is the coven seen in PA3 made up of the same witches who made the deal?

If they are the same witches, then there is something about the deal that kept them from aging, considering a deal made in the 30s would put the whole coven at least in their 70s, and that’s assuming that the deal was made when the women were in their 20s. Possibly part of the deal was to keep them from aging, but if that’s the case, then how is it logical that Lois is an acceptable age for a grandmother?

If it isn’t the initial witches, then why have they taken over the coven? It’s said that after the ritual, the girls don’t remember anything of the possession, but why would Katie and Kristi be released to live normal lives after whatever happened to them at the end of PA3, when the rest of the women in the family seem to join this coven?

What role does the Sigil of Baphomet play?

In the final scene of PA3, when Dennis runs to the room where the shadowy figure is, he sees the paintings have been taken off the wall, and behind them are symbols. The one that the focus is drawn to is the familiar circle within a triangle, but remember the other symbol?

That symbol is best known as the Sigil of Baphomet, and it has much deeper demonic roots than the Magical Triangle, but other than that stray shot, it’s nearly completely ignored.

The symbol is generally accepted as the foremost symbol of Satanism and the Church of Satan. The first known artwork of a similar symbol is found in the 1897 book La Clef de la Magie Noire. It now even graces the cover of some versions of the Satanic Bible.

The use of the symbol could simply be passed off as bringing in another demonic symbol to further show the coven’s dedication to Satanism, but that seems a bit shallow compared to how frequently the circle within the triangle is shown. The further meaning of this symbol should have been addressed by someone in the films.

How are Robbie and the demon connected?

A huge issue of PA4 is who Robbie was, and how he was able to interact with the demon. He was living with the possessed Katie, but how did he come to be there? Was he another child from the family?

The only certainty of Robbie is that he was able to interact with the Demon, and he knew much more about the Satanism than a boy his age should. He was the one who drew the Magical Triangle on Wyatt’s back to properly allow him to communicate with Toby. But how did he know to do this if he was just another kid who could see Toby?

He also knows that Alex is pretending when she acts like she can see Toby, but Kristi acted as if Dennis should be able to see Toby. Robbie obviously had much more knowledge about the demon than Kristi did.

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