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Ant-Man Wants To Call The Avengers In New Posters And TV Spot

With Ant-Man's release date now just around the corner, the marketing blitz for the superhero blockbuster is about to go into full swing. Thus far, most of that campaign has been in an effort to sell general moviegoing audiences on the character's size-changing ability and goofy name. Now, it's time to call in the big guns (no pun intended).

With Ant-Man‘s release date steadily approaching, the marketing blitz for the superhero blockbuster is about to go into full swing. Thus far, most of that campaign has been in an effort to sell general moviegoing audiences on the character’s size-changing ability and goofy name. Now, it’s time to call in the big guns (no pun intended).

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We may have to wait until Captain America: Civil War for Ant-Man to share the screen with the Avengers, but three new posters have been released that should succeed in whetting our appetites until that day finally comes. In them, Scott Lang is seen literally standing on the shoulders and weapons of giants (well, giants to him at least), in a rather brilliant and exciting bit of marketing whimsy.

In addition to the posters, we’ve also been treated to a new TV spot, which also brings up Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and once again highlights the film’s blend of humor and action. You can check out the video above, and feast your eyes on the cool posters below.

Directed by Peyton Reed, Ant-Man will shrink his way into theaters (sans Avengers) on July 17th, 2015.