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Arnold Schwarzenegger Donates $1 Million To Coronavirus Relief

Terminator star and ex-governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has donated $1 million to a GoFundMe campaign called Frontline Responders Fund.

arnold schwarzenegger

Terminator star and ex-governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has donated $1 million to a GoFundMe campaign called Frontline Responders Fund.

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Frontline Responders Fund was created to assist overwhelmed medical professionals with critical supplies like gowns, surgical masks, thermometers, and gloves that they’ll require as they fight the war against the rapidly spreading COVID-19 coronavirus. The campaign, which is aiming to raise $10 million, has already reached $3.5 million in about 24 hours.

Only Schwarzenegger and computer scientist Paul Graham have donated $1 million, but some other major donations have come in from such famous names as actress Gwyneth Paltrow, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and Oculus VR Inc. co-founder and CEO Brendan Iribe.

Schwarzenegger has been adamant so far about following proper procedures in the midst of the pandemic. The 72-year-old has remained in self-isolation since the outbreak began, occasionally uploading humorous but informative videos to social media in an attempt to convince people to follow the “stay home” rule. One such video saw him sitting at the table feeding carrots to his mini-horse and donkey while urging everyone to practice social distancing, while another showcased him relaxing in a hot tub with a cigar as he pleaded for spring breakers to stay at home this year.

The COVID-19 pandemic has now infected nearly 460,000 people globally and has led to the deaths of over 20,000. Many world leaders have locked down their countries and enacted strict travel and social bans to help slow the spread of the virus, and some US governors have followed with lockdowns and rules of their own as infection rates skyrocket in multiple states.

It may be many months before life resumes normally again, but in the meantime, here’s to hoping that Arnold Schwarzenegger and other celebrities continue entertaining us and bringing some much-needed humor to a dire situation.