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Three More Avatar Sequels Are On The Way

Had enough of Pandora yet? I sure hope not. If you thought that an Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 were too much, then you may want to back out of this article as Fox has just announced that we'll be receiving a trio of Avatar sequels. Yes, that's right, not only are we getting Avatar 2 and 3, but also an Avatar 4.


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Had enough of Pandora yet? I sure hope not. If you thought that an Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 were too much, then you may want to back out of this article as Fox has just announced that we’ll be receiving a trio of Avatar sequels. Yes, that’s right, not only are we getting Avatar 2 and 3, but also an Avatar 4.

The three films will shoot simultaneously starting next year, with Christmas release dates penciled in for each, starting in 2016. To help bring his vision to the screen, Cameron has hired an army of writers. We heard earlier that Josh Friedman, who penned War of the Worlds, will write Avatar 2. Scripting Avatar 3 will be Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, who were behind Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Finally, Avatar 4 will fall into the hands of Shane Salerno, who wrote Armageddon and Shaft.

Fox confirmed that Cameron is going to work separately with each writer on their respective film and Deadline is speculating that all three films could cost the studio over $1 billion to produce.

Check out Cameron’s statement below:

“Building upon the world we created with ‘Avatar’ has been a rare and incredibly rewarding experience,” the director said in a press release. “In writing the new films, I’ve come to realize that ‘Avatar’’s world, story and characters have become even richer than I anticipated, and it became apparent that two films would not be enough to capture everything I wanted to put on screen. And to help me continue to expand this universe, I’m pleased to bring aboard Amanda, Rick, Shane and Josh — all writers I’ve long admired – to join me in completing the films screenplays.”

I can’t say I loved Avatar but I do respect its technical achievements. It was pretty impressive on that front and for that reason alone, I’m looking forward to these three sequels, just to see how much further Cameron can push the technology. I could care less for the story and characters, I just want to see how much higher the famed director can reach when it comes to CGI, 3D, motion capture etc.

What do you think? Do we really need three more Avatar sequels? Let us know in the comments below.