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Avengers: Age Of Ultron Gains Julie Delpy And Linda Cardellini; Will One Play Captain Marvel?

In the highly-secretive world of Marvel movie-making, it's not uncommon for actors to be kept in the dark along with fans when it comes to their future appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While that rationale applies to performers who have already shot footage - which could technically appear in any MCU feature - there's no mistaking this latest piece of casting tidbittery. The eagle-eyed folks at Slash Film have spotted two new additions to the casting roster for Avengers: Age Of Ultron.

In the highly-secretive world of Marvel movie-making, it’s not uncommon for actors to be kept in the dark along with fans when it comes to their future appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While that rationale applies to performers who have already shot footage – which could technically appear in any MCU feature – there’s no mistaking this latest piece of casting tidbittery. The eagle-eyed folks at /Film have spotted two new additions to the casting roster for Avengers: Age Of Ultron.

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On a rundown of all cast members scheduled to appear on the red carpet at the premiere, Julie Delpy (Richard Linklater’s Before trilogy) and Linda Cardellini (Mad Men)’s names were listed. Before you think what we all thought – APRIL FOOLS! – apparently the Slashers reached out to Marvel, who verified the information. That’s right. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more enigmatic, the comic book giants yank another mystery out of their teaser sack.

Currently, neither actress has the film listed on their IMDB credits. This could suggest that it’s such a small role and therefore doesn’t warrant inclusion for either actress at the moment. Or, as many are hoping, it may point towards something far more revelatory. The obvious go-to would be Captain Marvel, whose post-credits appearance was rumored earlier this month. While it’s certainly a strong possibility that we may see Carol Danvers, many knowledgable insiders have shot down the suggestion, citing the film’s 2018 release date as a negating factor. Whatever their roles may be, there’s less than a month to go until the truth is revealed.

Avengers: Age Of Ultron arrives in UK cinemas on April 23, and US theaters on May 1. Check out a snapshot of the press release below.
