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Avengers: Endgame Fans Are Furious That Robert Downey Jr. Was Left Out Of Oscar Campaign

Disney officially announced their big Oscars push for Avengers: Endgame a couple of weeks back, with the studio revealing exactly what awards they were putting the movie forward for yesterday. Unsurprisingly, the superhero blockbuster will be looking to secure a whole host of technical nods, along with several big hitters including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay.


Disney officially announced their big Oscars push for Avengers: Endgame a couple of weeks back, with the studio revealing exactly what awards they were putting the movie forward for yesterday. Unsurprisingly, the superhero blockbuster will be looking to secure a whole host of technical nods, along with several big hitters including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay.

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However, one glaring omission was Disney’s failure to even consider putting Robert Downey Jr. forward for an acting nomination for his emotional farewell as Tony Stark, despite both fans and even the Russo brothers themselves claiming that the actor’s performance was most definitely awards-worthy. After all, RDJ was the face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for over a decade, headlined its very first movie and went on to become one of the most iconic cinematic characters in recent history, before falling on his sword to save the universe at the climax of Endgame.

Some fans were furious that Downey Jr. wasn’t included among the movie’s potential Oscar nominees despite his death scene reducing entire theater audiences to tears, and they quickly took to social media to let their opinions be heard.





While Robert Downey Jr.’s performance in Avengers: Endgame is without a doubt the strongest and most powerful to be found in the entire movie, is it one of the best to be found in all of cinema over the last twelve months? Marvel fans are known to wear their hearts on their sleeves, especially when it comes to venting their frustrations on social media, but the argument can be made that no matter how well it fits the context of the movie, the actor’s work in Endgame just isn’t really the type of performance that will get serious awards recognition.