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Avengers: Infinity War’s Gauntlet Gets A Fashionable New Makeover

We've all been there, right? We're wiping out half of the universe's population at 7, but we're hitting the club at 9. What to do, what to do? Luckily, artist Boss Logic has solved Thanos' what to wear issue by creating four funky versions of the Avengers: Infinity War villain's trademark accessory: the Infinity Gauntlet.

We’ve all been there, right? We’re wiping out half of the universe’s population at 7, but we’re hitting the club at 9. What to do, what to do? Luckily, artist Boss Logic has solved Thanos’ what to wear issue by creating four funky versions of the Avengers: Infinity War villain’s trademark accessory: the Infinity Gauntlet.

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Seen in the gallery below, the first photo features Skate brand Supreme, identifiable by its classic burgundy red with silver trim, complete with silver faux Infinity Stones. Thanos needs to be careful though, or else he’ll be clashing with Iron Man. We suggest a quick call around first, just to coordinate clothing.

The next one would have Kanye screaming Versace! Versace! Versace! and is in a swanky silver, black and gold theme which would surely look right at home in King’s Landing in Game of Thrones. Come to think of it, Jaime Lannister’s replacement hand was looking a bit drab at last glance. His people should call the Mad Titan’s people.

Louis Vuitton is up next, looking like it belongs to an S&M pirate with leather, straps and buckles all over. The most basic of the bunch, don’t turn up wearing this if you want to impress. All you’re showing is that you’ll bend over backwards for a brand.

Last and not least, is the one most likely to get Thanos feeling like a mad night out. Sporting his trademark blue and yellow combo and made by Adidas, it not only fits his look, but would presumably be more comfortable for punching Avengers in the face and strangling Gods of Mischief.

Whether or not any of these Infinity Gauntlet designs will end up making an appearance in the sequel to Avengers: Infinity War remains to be seen (though let’s be honest, they won’t), but they certainly show that genocide doesn’t have to mean gaudy.