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5 Awful Film Franchises That Are Inexplicably Successful


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On paper, Grown Ups may have sounded like a good idea. I can understand that. “Hey, let’s get a bunch of comedians who were huge in the nineties and make a movie about them now, as adults (who still perpetually act like children),” sounds like a solid premise, right?

You hear the first half of the cast and you actually think there might be potential. Chris Rock and Adam Sandler. Okay, maybe. Then you hear the second half of the cast and it hits you. David Spade, Rob Schneider, and Kevin James. What? Then, you toss them into the most generic, awful, boring, trite, contrived comedy ever. I mean, so awful it is painful to try to sit through. So what happens?

Apparently enough of YOU like it that we get a sequel. Awesome. Thanks for that. The best part is, Grown Ups 2 ends up making the abysmal original look better.