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6 Appropriately Awkward Sex Scenes

Valentine’s season has a way of emphasizing the nice, sweet parts of romantic relationships and glosses over the dirty, sloppy bits. Maybe that’s part of the point, to take a break from how lonely and alienated most people feel and just revel in the possibility that someone could actually know us and still like us despite this fact. I suppose it’s worthwhile to have a day to acknowledge this. And there are plenty of movies that highlight the mushy feelings that come with love and romance, and good on them for expressing those feelings. But since there is no day or movie season specifically designed to celebrate the awkwardness that accompanies most romantic encounters, and since it’s an unavoidable part of the experience of sex and romance that gets ignored during a season purporting to highlight this aspect of our lives, it seems like as good a time as any to offer an appreciation of the movies that depict how awkward and uncomfortable love can be at times. Specifically, during the most intimate of times.

[h2] 5) MacGruber[/h2]

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I was not expecting to enjoy MacGruber nearly as much as I did, given that it comes from such a brief Saturday Night Live sketch and Will Forte’s previous movie efforts were not terribly strong. But it may be one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen, and a big reason for that is the way it portrays sex. The scene gets set up as one of those stereotypical movie love scenes, with the soft saxophone music and the warm lighting, and then it transitions into just disgusting sights and sounds that probably only Will Forte has the sickness and brilliance to provide. It’s not pretty.

And then it happens again. In a graveyard. With a ghost. It’s hilariously messed up, but is a pretty neatly handled contrast between the way sex with these action heroes plays out on screen and the way that, if we really want to be realistic, it probably actually would go down.

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