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Will Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Include 4 More Villains?

The big Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice news item of the day may be the first official photo of Henry Cavill in Supes' red cape and blue spandex, but late last night an intriguing rumor dropped that shouldn't be ignored. According to Latino Review, Lex Luthor won't be the only one causing trouble for the titular duo. In fact, he will be joined by four other DC villains.

Edge Cain

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Morgan Edge, on the other hand, is described as “a total slimeball and a public relations exec for Lexcorp.” In the comics, he’s one of Superman’s enemies and the leader of the mob known as Intergang. He’s often seen as a media mogul, which will likely play into the events of BVS.

Latino Review says:

“Basically, he’s Lex Luthro’s mouthpiece. We meet Edge early on when he goes toe to toe with Lois Lane in a television talk show. In the movie’s backstory, Edge and Luthor were members of the most notorious gangs ever to come out of Hob’s Bay.”

Edge has also been cloned before and was used as a servant to Darkseid, so perhaps his inclusion here is to set up the future appearance of the long-rumored Justice League villain?

Last but not least we have David Cain, one of the world’s deadliest assassins. He’s known for training Bruce Wayne and was once a member of the League of Assassins. His daughter, Cassandra Cain, would eventually go on to become the fourth Batgirl. Latino Review doesn’t offer much about his role in BVS, though they say that he’ll be in his 50s and meets with Luthor’s bodyguard Mercy Graves to set up an assassination.

So, what do you think? Would you like to see any, or all, of these antagonists in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice? Remember, just because they’re all in the film, doesn’t mean they’ll have major roles, so don’t worry about overcrowding just yet. As seen with films like X-Men: Days of Future Past and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, a good balance of villains is definitely possible, and some of these may simply be brief appearances to set up roles in future films.

Directed by Zack Snyder, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives on May 6th, 2016.