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Zack Snyder Shares New Man Of Steel Close-Up From Batman V Superman

Still pining for more DC content even after the past 48-hour whirlwind of tweets and speculation? We've got you covered. 

Superman-is-Flat-Out-Angry-in-Man-Of-Steel (1)

Still pining for more DC content even after the past 48-hour whirlwind of tweets and speculation? We’ve got you covered.

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Director Zack Snyder has today shared another close-up of the Man of Steel himself, Henry Cavill, though this black-and-white action shot appears to be lifted from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, as opposed to the Justice League crossover movie which made the headlines this past weekend.

In case you missed it: talk of the fabled Snyder Cut gained traction once again, after lead stars Ben Affleck (Batman), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) and Ray Fisher (Cyborg) each voiced their solidarity with the director’s rumored alternative cut. Sources close to Warner Bros. indicate that there are no immediate plans to release the Snyder Cut – assuming said cut actually exists – but that’s in no way quelled the online campaign.

For now, though, let’s enjoy this up-close shot of Henry Cavill in full costume as the Man of Steel:

Truth be told, there’s still a thick cloud of mystery circulating around Cavill’s future – or lack thereof – as DC’s Kal-El. It wasn’t too long ago when the trades were reporting that Henry Cavill was essentially finished with the role, as the actor migrated over to The Witcher at Netflix, itself a meaty and demanding gig.

So it could well be that Justice League will be remembered as Cavill’s final outing as the Man of Steel, leaving Warner Bros. to find a replacement for the next era of DC films. There are currently no immediate for Superman’s return – not yet, at least – as the Powers That Be are focused intently on The Batman, Wonder Woman 1984, Birds of Prey and The Suicide Squad.

But perhaps there’s still room in this world for the Snyder Cut? We’ll keep you right up-to-date as more information comes to light.