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Ranking Batman’s Batsuits Across The Years

The internet went bat-crazy this week when director Zack Snyder shared a tantalizing image from the set of Justice League that showed Ben Affleck in a new batsuit. The more armoured number, with fetching goggles, has split fans down the middle, but most are still excited Batman will get a new look in the movie.

13) Clooney’s Second Suit – Batman & Robin (1998)

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What else could come last but the most notorious batsuit of them all?

Dubbed the Arctic Suit, Clooney’s late-in-the-movie change of clothes is apparently triggered by the need for something that’s resistant to Freeze’s powers. In reality, it’s just an excuse to make more action figures. With the intrusive silver detailing, this is the furthest away from the classic Batman look that we’ve ever had, which means it has to fall at the bottom of our list.

Infamously, the outfits worn by the Bat-family in the movie were designed by toy manufacturers rather than professional movie costumers, which just goes to show how misguided the film was as a whole.


12) Robert Lowery’s Suit – Batman and Robin (1949)


Another Batman and Robin, another bad batsuit…

This 15 part movie serial was obviously made decades ago (in the wake of World War II, no less) for a whole lot less money than modern productions, so we can cut its costume designs some slack. However, there’s no getting around it. The outfit worn by Robert Lowery in the role is laughably bad.

The high waist band holding up the enormous underpants paired with a cowl that is clearly too big for Lowery’s head make this iteration of Batman closer to the butt of the joke rather than The Killing Joke.