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Ben Shapiro making an hour-long video trashing ‘Barbie’ gets exactly the reaction you’d expect

Ben's facts don't care about Barbie's feelings.

Images via YouTube and Gage Skidmore / Flickr. Remix by Jonathan Wright.

In terms of thematic potency, Barbie incorporates the same sort of nuance that we’ve grown to expect from a director of Greta Gerwig’s caliber, but all these sensitive dualities are apparently flying over Ben Shapiro’s head, who is once again convinced that the Margot Robbie-led comedy is just another piece of Leftist propaganda.

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These days, it seems like all that stands between you and a hot take that nobody asked for is a camera, a microphone, and a decent-sized following on social media. Never mind the fact that you have no expertise on the subject matter, or that your usual content should have nothing to do with the industry in question. It’s a free country, after all, and everybody’s entitled to their own opinions.

What we and a lot of folks on social media find absolutely fascinating, however, is Ben’s willingness to go out of his way and create not one, but two hour-long essays to discuss why Barbie, in his own words, “is garbage.”

via Twitter

Seriously, Ben, you shouldn’t let everything wind you up like this, especially if it involves a movie centering around a doll living in a fantasy wonderland. The meta nature of Barbie isn’t lost to anyone.

And by the way, does anybody else realize the irony of posting a video titled “Barbie is garbage, but you’re not allowed to say so” but doing exactly that?

Well, some things never change. At least Ben can find solace in the knowledge that a sequel isn’t anywhere near happening, even if Greta Gerwig’s flick happens to be winding its way past one box office milestone after another.