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Best And Worst Remakes/Rip-Offs Of 2013

No one can deny that most movie studios in Hollywood occasionally run a little low on originality. Luckily for them, there's over a century of classic films that can provide inspiration for new ones... in addition to already-formed characters, plots and dialogue, if need be. So, it's never a surprise when a remake gets the green light - this year alone, we've had many. Now and then, one of these remakes is pretty good. Other times, a remake is bad or just utterly pointless. Sometimes, they're even masquerading as original films. Join us as we count off the top five best (and bottom five worst) remakes and rip-offs from the past year.

4. Romeo and Juliet (REMAKE)

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It seems that whenever a film studio needs to make a quick buck, dragging out the Bard for another cinematic retread is just instinctual. This remake of Romeo and Juliet offers no reason for its existence and seems entirely calculated. Leads Hailee Steinfeld and Douglas Booth are decent in their roles, but there’s a sense of lifelessness to the proceedings that makes Romeo and Juliet a chore to watch.

Additionally, Romeo and Juliet thinks it’s being original by canning Shakespeare’s traditional dialogue in favor of more palatable modern English, but all the change actually does is alienate the sole audience of these adaptations – Shakespeare enthusiasts who enjoy hearing current actors take on the Bard’s romantic language.

Remakes that add something to the original, whether it be great performances, innovative direction or altered setting, are occasionally worth making. Romeo and Juliet offers none of the above – mercifully, it flopped as much at the box office as it did with critics, so maybe studios will think twice next time.