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The 10 best fight scenes in ‘Star Wars’

In the battle for fight scene supremacy, these are the chosen ones.

Obi Wan Kenobi Darth Vader
Image via Disney/Lucasfilm

The two poles of Star Wars are its love of Eastern philosophy and mysticism and how much its fans enjoy watching people hit each other with laser swords. The best fights in the history of the franchise attempt to bridge that gap, reminding us that great fighting can have some thematic and spiritual heft. Of course, there are also of plenty of fights in Star Wars that are just plain cool, whether they occurred inside one of the movies or were on TV. There’s nothing better than a little lightsaber play, so in honor of that, here are the best fights in the history of the franchise.

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Luke vs. Darth Vader, The Empire Strikes Back

Perhaps the definitive Star Wars fight, what makes Luke’s first face-off with Darth Vader so epic is the incredible production design around it. Cloud City has never been topped as a Star Wars location, and while Luke finds himself totally outmatched by Vader, watching him get a beating remains thrilling to this day. It doesn’t hurt that the fight climaxes with Vader’s immortal revelation about Luke’s father, but that’s really just the icing on top of the cake that is this phenomenal battle.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Maul, The Phantom Menace

Are the dividers that turn on at seemingly random, dramatically convenient intervals a little silly? Of course! But that doesn’t take away from the sheer dynamism of this fight, which was the first huge lightsaber battle in the Star Wars prequels. Maul’s double-sided lightsaber was exciting enough, and then John Williams had to go and write “Duel of the Fates,” one of the greatest pieces of film music ever composed. You may not love The Phantom Menace, but it’s hard to deny the excellence of this final fight.

Obi-Wan vs. Anakin, Revenge of the Sith


One of the most emotionally charged duels in all of Star Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin’s battle on the planet of Mustafar is a duel between brothers, and it’s all the sadder because it’s clear that Obi-Wan doesn’t want this fight to begin with. There may be the occasional superfluous spin or lightsaber twirl, but Obi-Wan and Anakin’s battle is a fight between two Jedi at the peak of their powers, and it’s a fight that Obi-Wan is only able to win because Anakin is too confident in his own abilities, and not smart enough to admit when he’s lost.

Darth Vader vs. Rebel Soldiers, Rogue One

Perhaps the first time we really got to see Vader at the peak of his powers, Vader’s ability to pick off rebel soldiers with ease adds even more tension to the opening moments of A New Hope. Just before threatening Princess Leia, Vader has killed about 20 people, and seemed to do it without much effort. This is not so much a fight as it is a desperate attempt to escape an unstoppable force with the Death Star plans, and they manage to do just that, ultimately keeping the Rebellion alive in the process.

Luke vs. Darth Vader, Return of the Jedi

Luke and Vader’s second fight is much more evenly matched than the first, and it seems likely that Luke may even emerge victorious before the Emperor intervenes to turn the tide. While the fighting in this battle is fairly intense, it’s also the duel with the highest emotional stakes, as Luke appeals to the good in Vader in the hopes that he will be able to save his father from the dark side. When Luke succeeds, it’s a moment of triumph tempered by sadness, as we understand that Anakin is not going to make it off the Death Star alive.

Rey and Kylo Ren vs. The Praetorian Guards, The Last Jedi

There’s plenty of movie left when Rey and Kylo Ren begin facing down Snoke’s Praetorian guards in The Last Jedi, but the movie never manages to top this extraordinary sequence. Set in Snoke’s red throne room, the fight makes incredible use of Rey and Kylo’s distinctive fighting styles, and allows us to see them work together for the very first time. The fight is wonderfully choreographed, the perfect balance between the ultra simple duels in the original trilogy and the hyper-complex choreography of the prequels.

Ahsoka vs. Darth Maul, The Clone Wars

As perhaps the most important Star Wars character to exist exclusively in the TV world, Ahsoka’s battle with Darth Maul proved to be legendary. The two fought in the show’s final season, and it’s a lightsaber battle that many hold up with the best of the live-action battles. Maul’s skills with a saber remain incredible, and he defeats Ahsoka, but only after a truly heated battle. Maul was hoping that she would join him, and it’s his attempt to turn her that ultimately allows her to gain the upper hand and capture him.

Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi


The climactic battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader in Obi-Wan Kenobi is really just the middle chapter in their trilogy of duels, but it’s fairly thrilling in its own right, as we see Obi-Wan regain his confidence and fighting prowess. The fight ends just like the first one did, with Vader’s overconfidence proving to be his undoing. This time, though, Obi-Wan apologizes in an attempt to reason with his former friend. Vader makes it clear that Anakin is gone, though, and Vader is all that remains.

Darth Maul and Savage Oppress vs. Darth Sidious, The Clone Wars

Maul’s animated battles are just as great as his single live action duel. When he teams up with Savage Oppress to take on Darth Sidious, it’s basically the closest anyone’s ever come to defeating the Emperor. Of course, that’s not the result, but Maul does manage to escape and fight another day, and proves that he learned plenty from his former master, even if it wasn’t ultimately enough to take him down.

Rey vs. Kylo Ren, The Force Awakens

The first battle between Rey and Kylo Ren is so thrilling in part because it initially seems like Rey might not be this story’s hero at all. After Finn falls, though, it’s up to Rey to take on Kylo, and she very nearly beats him thanks to a prior injury and her natural skills with the Force. It’s a thrilling climax, one that sees Rey discovering her abilities and opening herself up to the Force even as the fight plays out. Kylo and Rey would ultimately join forces, but they were at their most electric in this first meeting, when they were still sussing each other out.