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5 Of The Best And Worst Recent Found Footage Movies

With the release of Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones recently behind us, and with upcoming found footage movies like Devil's Due and Paranormal Activity 5 on the horizon, there seems to be no end for this subgenre in sight. From a studio standpoint, why should there be? Found footage movies are often cheaper to make, they can be tremendous financial successes, and the gamble factor is much lower - but for ever properly executed first-person POV film cranked out The Blair Witch style, there's ten other films made by a group of ill-advised get-rich-quick filmmakers who brought a handheld camera into the woods. Hollywood - if you're going to keep making found footage movies, can you at least do it right?

Best – Paranormal Activity

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No found footage list would be complete without this 2007 fright fest, which sparked a major resurgence in the subgenre. Though [REC] came first, it was the disturbing fates of young couple Micah (Micah Sloat) and Katie (Katie Featherston) that both transfixed and terrified America. Shot entirely on a camera purchased by Micah in order to document freaky happenings around their house, Paranormal Activity is a compact, utterly spine-chilling horror movie, and one of the finest examples of how grimly effective the found footage format can be.

The genius of Oren Peli’s barely-there direction is how every still moment takes on a sinister, foreboding edge. The devil is in the details with Paranormal Activity, because the scariest part about watching the film is waiting and observing, scanning every inch of the frame for signs of something scary… and then finally freaking out when something horrifying shows up in Micah and Katie’s bedroom. The documentary feel puts the audience right there with the couple, and so their terror becomes ours, perhaps more impactfully in Paranormal Activity than in any other found footage film to date.